How to Create UX Strategy For Product And Business Goals

When you talk of “design thinking” or “design strategy” you probably mean something entirely different than what most people think it means. Most people think that “design thinking” is simply the process of brainstorming and thinking up ways to solve problems in the face of limited time and money. Many designers, product managers, and executive leadership think of the whole creative process in terms of problems, processes, and solutions. It seems like brainstorming should be just about getting everyone talking and having good ideas!
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The truth is that there is a big difference between these two things, particularly when it comes to truly successful product or service design strategies. Only when a company and a given product team have united on their underlying strategic objectives can truly effective and innovative product and business strategy be known. Best practices product planning requires upfront identification of the issues, the most important of which is defining clearly the purpose or target market that the product or service seeks to serve. Next, the relevant stakeholders must be considered and understood. Then, the issues must be addressed and solved in a manner that supports that primary purpose.
Once a firm has determined its product strategy or business strategy it needs to be tested. Testing of the strategy includes defining the appropriate metrics, benchmarking, and measuring the strategy’s success against the business goals. When functional teams, marketing teams, and other key players are aligned the testing can begin. That’s really all there is to developing a truly winning strategy!

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